22 Aug 2016
August 22, 2016

This is another in a series of responses to my conservative relative’s forwarded emails. If you’re interested, you can read more about how this all started.

Received Jun 29, 2016 at 11:43 AM:

I didn’t write ANY of the comments.  I’m just passing it on- that’s all.

Begin forwarded message:

——– Original Message ——–

Only in America

Folks, The insanity marches on. You know why I scream at the TV? This is why: We don’t want to insult a hajib clad Muslim woman by a search, but it’s OK to search a nun.

Yep, makes sense to me! You cannot make this stuff up!

Please pass this all around the USA!


Airport security (Detroit Metro Concourse A)… A Catholic nun being frisked by a Muslim security agent!

Excuse me? Did you say a MUSLIM security agent — in the USA – screening for suspected terrorists?


My response:

It’s taken me a little while to respond to this, because I wasn’t sure how to do so without offending you. I hope my comments below don’t. However, this one’s important, and I needed to let you know what I thought about it.

Here’s the thing: this email that you forwarded is racist.

I don’t think that you are a racist, but you’ve shared something that is.

I get why conservatives look at this picture and think it’s funny, but do this for me: try to explain why the joke is funny. I don’t think you can without saying something like: “it’s funny because there’s an old white nun who’s being searched by a Muslim woman. Which is nuts, because it’s like the terrorist is searching the person who’s clearly harmless!”

So, all Muslims are terrorists, even the ones who are US citizens, who might even have been born and grew up here; can read, write, and speak English; went through a federal background check; took both physical and drug tests; and completed 100 hours of classroom and on-the-job training (http://work.chron.com/long-hiring-process-tsa-job-28779.html)? (All for a job, incidentally, with a starting salary of $25k)

I think you knew that this one was over the line, because of how you introduced it: “I didn’t write ANY of the comments.  I’m just passing it on- that’s all.” The thing is, that doesn’t absolve you. By passing this on, you’re endorsing it. You’re saying that you agree with it, the statements are okay with you, and that you want to share them with everyone.

I know you have concerns about immigration, refugees, and how well the US is screening people who are coming here. But do you really think that any Muslim is incapable of living here, assimilating into our culture while still following their faith, and working in a security (or any other) job? I don’t believe that’s how you truly feel.

Ultimately, how is this picture any different from a Jewish TSA agent who’s wearing a kippah and tzitzit while at work?

Also, just to speak to the big lie in this email. It says that “we don’t want to insult a hajib clad Muslim woman by a search”. That’s just untrue (http://talkingpointsmemo.com/muckraker/is-tsa-exempting-women-in-hijabs-from-controversial-pat-downs). First off, it’s called a hijab. And secondly, everyone is searched by TSA. Most people go through the full body scanners these days, but you’re allowed to ask for a pat down instead. According to the TSA’s web site (https://www.tsa.gov/travel/frequently-asked-questions):

May I keep head coverings and other religious, cultural or ceremonial items on during screening?

Persons wearing head coverings, loose fitting or bulky garments may undergo additional security screening, which may include a pat-down. A pat-down will be conducted by a TSA officer of the same gender. If an alarm cannot be resolved through a pat-down, you may ask to remove the head covering in a private screening area.

So, Muslim women wearing hijabs who experience a pat-down might be asked to remove them in private. Sounds reasonable. In fact, what you’re seeing in this picture is a direct result of that same policy. I mean, don’t you think it’s OUTRAGEOUS that that nun doesn’t have to take off her habit? No…? Why not?


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