I Forgot How Long It’s Been

28 Aug 2014
August 28, 2014

This is one of several posts that I began writing while the events were occurring, but never posted. They’ve been on my mind lately, so I’ve gone back and finished them.

I don’t know if it’s this way for everyone who’s been through a serious illness, but once I stopped dealing with treatment and recovery day to day, it started to fade into the past pretty quickly.

This came to mind yesterday at an appointment with my oncologist. While I’ve been seeing her every three months, this was my big annual appointment. I’d had a CT scan a couple of weeks ago and we were meeting to talk through my status.

In talking through my CT and blood work, there was a question that arose about how long it had been since my surgery (it’s been two years), and I could not remember. I had one of those moments where I stammered “I think 3 years…? No, wait… maybe two…?”

She looked at the computer (the exact timing had slipped her mind, too), and we were set straight. But, it was pleasantly odd to think that this thing that had consumed so much of my life for over a year was starting to fade a little.

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